Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Look at What's to Come Before the Year's End

I haven't been able to get a whole lot of gaming in this week (I haven't even been able to touch Battlefield 3 yet), so I'm just going to list some games along with some downloadable content that will be coming out soon in which I'm looking forward to.  First, I just wanted to mention some games that are coming out before this year comes to an end in which I'm definitely looking forward to.  Also, I'll list some games that others may find interesting.  

Here's what we're looking at:

-Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - 11/8/2011 (I'm definitely not missing out on this game)

-The Elder Scrolls V:  Skyrim - 11/11/2011

-Assassin's Creed Revelations - 11/15/11

-Halo:  Combat Evolved Anniversary - 11/15/2011 (I'm not a fan of Halo, but I know a lot are)

-Saints Row The Third - 11/15/2011

Those are just some of the games that are going to help wrap up this year's game releases.  There are obviously a lot I didn't mention, but I listed some popular titles that are sure to spark some interest.

Moving onto some DLC release dates, here are some that I'm looking forward to:

-The Horde Command Pack (Gears of War 3) - 11/1/2011

-Nightwing (Batman:  Arkham City) - 11/1/2011

-Robin Bundle Pack (Batman:  Arkham City) - 11/12/2011

-Bloodbath Arena (Dead Island) - Mid-November

-RAAM's Shadow (Gears of War 3) - 12/13/2011

-Back to Karkand (Battlefield 3) - December (Comes with free code if bought new - Limited Edition)

A Battlefield 3 review will most likely be forth coming, once I get a chance to play it.  Until then, happy gaming.


  1. Call of Duty MW3 is the game coming out that I'm looking forward to.....Im geekily looking forward to see how the story is resolved. But the game I look forward to perhaps more than any ever is Mass Effect 3 and i'm still pissed its coming out this year(despite the delay happening forever ago).

    One more for your list is the new Star Wars: The old republic game. I enjoyed the previous KOTOR games that this might be my first PC game purchase in a few years.

  2. I'm definitely looking forward to Skyrim. Elder Scrolls has always been one of the best RPGs around. Assassin's Creed is the other consle game I'm excited for, finally concluding the Ezio storyline and opening the way for a fresh assassin in the next chapter.

    I agree with Daventry though, you forgot to mention Star Wars: The Old Republic. Thing is that game is a subscription based MMORPG for anyone wondering about it.
